Watching this video not only gave me flashbacks of my elementary school days, but also found it interesting to see it from the Americans' perspective. The names of the games are mostly different (How the hell did 烈血高校 get translated to River City Ransom? -.-;), and hearing them refer to it as NES (pronounced the way it's spelled) was also kinda weird... heh heh. The Lim family trivia... My dad, who was with Hyundai at the time, was the person who made the deal with Nintendo back in the 80s to official import the console to Corea. Bet you didn't know that. ;) I'm quite surprised that they didn't mention Final Fantasy I.... Duck hunt? Castle Vania? But then I guess maybe those didn't make it to the U.S. until much later, I have no concept of time... Sure brings back memories!!!

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