So I was at Greg's house warming party tonight, and to my surprise I saw Mick there!!! That idiot was supposed to be at home resting and recovering from a car accident... Not just any accident, but one that left him with broken rib cages and a collapsed lung! He's smiling and everything, so that's good, but I really hope he would take it a tiny bit easier... There are some people at work I worry about a lot... I worry about Jeff, cuz he's always so high tempered... If he dies of high blood pressure or something I'm going to be soooooo pissed cuz I still have a shit load to learn from him... I worry about Mick, cuz he thinks he's like a 15 year old in his primes or something... He has to stay alive cuz we haven't tried out all the crazy ideas we have. Jon and Arad cuz they have the most insane ways of working together.... They're either the most dynamic duo or the most deadly, pick your poison... Arad can't die, cuz she promised me she'll somehow get me to attend one of those kick ass Indian wedding ceremonies. Jon, can't die until we get to snowboard down the glades of Utah together off of a helicopter! Then there's Bill, the grumpy grumpity grump. =P See, the world reovlves around me, me, me! =P It's really just that simple! ;) Keep healthy people!!

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damn mick -- I keep writing him and telling him he needs to be healthy as there is a ton on the horizon to conquer... and lo and behold he is out partying at a party I was not privy to, but out nonetheless! (922)

audrey - 2/19/2006 3:56:11 PM [ ]

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