For the non-Corean speakers who may have been curious as to what my previous entry was all about... That was just a short poem I had written in the heat of the moment while angsting over one of those late-night reflections. What was I angsting over you may ask? Well... It's just that from time to time I get very frustrated when I sit down to look back at myself in the hopes that I'd find something reassuring or satisfying, only to get blown away by the realization of how immature I am. People don't believe me when I tell them that I don't believe I'm mature enough for all the responsibilities that I carry; they think I'm being humble, but I happen to be telling the absolute and genuine truth that I gather from the feelings I have! -.-;

There are many times when I feel like that Sisyphus character from the Greek mythology: condemned to roll a big ass rock, not on a concrete paved road, mind you, but up a friggin mountain for god's sake!! Man, day jobs really don't get much worse than that, and the dude runs night shifts, too! I mean... Even after I had fully embraced the idea that without empathy there cannot be true communication, there are still so many times when I fail to fully empathize with the other person and simply let my desire to be empathized take over. It's not just that, but there are also times when I know that I'm selfishly looking after my own happiness at the expense of my loved ones. Just look at the fact that although I am well aware of how much my parents miss their only child, I still torture their feelings by taunting them about how I can only see them once a year because that's the most optimal arrangement given my lifestyle. I mean... Is that really something an only son can say to his parents? They were the ones that let me take this life for a spin! Talk about mutiny!!!

I don't know... You may think I'm being too harsh on myself, but with the series of events that have occurred recently I think I'm in serious need to spend some time really assessing my maturity, or the lack thereof...

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