I've discovered a rather unscientific, yet surprisingly accurate way to measure how much at capacity I am mentally and physically. By that I mean when I'm at maximum capacity, it becomes practically impossible to take on any more projects or add any new regular or semi-regular activities into my life until the overall load reduces. I'm gonna call it the blog stale-o-meter. :) When you notice my blog drifting into a rather stale state, you've gotta suspect something's up. So given that I was not able to publish any of the drafts I have sitting in my blogger (and I have 10 of them sitting there in all its lengthy and unpublished glory) for nearly two months, I must say that that's telling me something.

I'm obviously far from perfect, but I don't think I'd be exaggerating when I say I lead a pretty disciplined life. The very fact that I have some discipline is what allows me to sustain a lifestyle where I can engage in various projects rooted in the arts and sciences while also actively learning new skills in those areas and still make time to socialize and entertain myself with regular/semi-regular leisure sporting events. So given the discipline I have, if I can't finish up and publish a draft of a single blog entry, that, to me, is a good indicator of how much mindshare I have left to go around: none. The good news is that the blog stale-o-meter does a pretty good job of alerting me that I've reached my limit, so that I never end up committing to any more and instead start further prioritizing with the future in mind. Well, I bet now you're wondering how the hell I managed to complete this blog entry... That my friend, is called structured procrastination. ;)

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