## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: yo, that sounds really gross (to somebody with a dirty mind such as mine)

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: HUH??

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: what does???

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: your id

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: 떡볶이??

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: yeah

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ㅋㅋ

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: man!!!!

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: u perv oppa!!!

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ha ha ha

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: you understood it, too.

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: hihi

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: drool

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: uhm... drool?

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: kekkekekeke

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: it sounds like you were extremeley sexually deprived and finally got some action or something

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: man!!!

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: i was just deprived of 떡볶이!!!

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: that's... uhm... exactly what I meant... pu ha ha ha

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: what state of mine are you in man!!!

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ha ha ha

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: 8o|

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: whatever it is...i like it

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: hihi

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: droool

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ha ha ha

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: drool

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ok, so Michelle likes 떡볶이

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: I'll take a note of that

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ㅋㅋㅋ

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: puhehehe

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: i tasted so good though

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: for realz

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: with 오뎅국물

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: went to k-town yesterday for it

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: be careful! you know you just typed "i tasted so good though"

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: kekkekeke

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: oppa!!!!!

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: man!!!!

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ha ha ha

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: u need to go get a girl or something

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: man!!!!!

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: pu heh heh heh

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: too early for this

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: kekkekek

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: hihi

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: and you should get some 떡볶이 for yourself at K-town

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: I'm sure there a lot of places where you can get 떡볶이 in K-town

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: pu heh heh

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: man!!!!

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: r u high???

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: drunk perhaps???

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ㅋㅋ

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: now you're thinking dirty, too.

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: I just said you can get 떡볶이 in k-town

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: :'(

## bAbYsKrAtCh [ crazy rain... ] ## says: ㅋㅋㅋ

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: so funny i'm crying

떡볶이!!!YEAH!!! says: kekkekeke

If you have no idea what this convo is about you need to find yourself a Korean slang tutor. :P

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hello~ oppa~ this is the 1st time i came here to see ur entries~ and...this...byun-te stuff is RIGHT here waiting for me~ what is THIS? i don't even know what dduk-bok-gi means~~ stop thinking about those things and come to my xanga and leave me some comments! :p (720)

Soomin Jasmin Cho - 10/21/2003 1:42:22 AM [ ]

pu ha ha!
U such a pervert!

R u horny or what? (714)

KONO - 10/16/2003 4:28:54 PM [ ]

The key slang term here is "떡볶이" (dduk-bok-ee). I'm not using it to refer to the food.... *smirk*

Think about Korean dduk-bok-ee... The actual Dduk and the red sauce that covers the dduk... (713)

dJsLiM - 10/15/2003 6:03:46 PM [ ]

mmm... such a twinkie am i, i suppose... i think i lost u somewhere along the way talking about k-town and ddukbougee... (711)

caro - 10/15/2003 3:33:45 PM [ ]

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