Panther... is total bliss... Get it now! I'm amazed at how much faster the overall performance of the operating system has become... I was somewhat bummed out when I had upgraded to Jaguar previously since everything actually became a tad bit slower. I had to bite my lips and say "Oh, well. Tis what the typical sofware developers do; depend on Moore's law to solve issues with performance". But, Panther, my goodness.... is kinda like how the Gran Turismo team comes out with the GT3 A-Spec for PS2 and then on the same hardware manages to produce an even more visually stunning showcase with GT4. You know what I mean? It looks like Apple did something really right with the code this time. Of course the other neat things like better network browsing, X11 support, and even that Expose thing is kinda cool, too. :) Ah... my ibook just looks that much sexier to me right now. .^_____^

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