Is this insane or what? ^^ What a great application of ubiquotus computing... good lord...

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I remember when I used to think that having technical knowledge and business savy was going to be an awesome combination... boy was I wrong... The deeper I get into the MBA program that I'm attending, the more I realize how business can contaminate an otherwise purely scientific mind... I met so many consultants out in the industry who really don't come across as anything remotely related to a computer scientst, but more like a businessmen with a lot of political-savy... good at finger pointing .. always carries around a "cannot be done" sign up her back pocket in the name of finishing under budget... treats others like crap purely because their business card has a logo of a fortune 500 consulting firm and cuz they have been certified by Microsoft to be competent enough to understand how the crappy COM architecture works. These worldly matters are starting to get to me... Maybe I should really cut down on commercial project involvement... or maybe I'm just really irritated cuz I haven't been able to get enuf sleep... you go figure...

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Just got WinXP Pro upgrade at work. Gonna install it and see what everyone is rambling about. ;) I'll especially have to run it head to head with MacOS X on my ibook to see what cool interaction design thoughts have gone into the interface. heh heh. stay tuned for more updates on this matter~~

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I was pondering over internationalization issues with our CTO at work... what we should do with internationalization for the project we're working on. After realizing the issues involved with respect to how we should encode stuff, and what other open standards are out there it really boiled down to the rendering engine taking care of the encoded stream of bytes... quite a bit involved I must say... grrr... another thing that I'm gonna have to tackle in the near term. It ain't easy inventing the correct wheel.. ;)

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You know how there was this massive hype about the "IT" (Not info tech) code-named "Ginger"?? This device or something that Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobbs all thought was revolutionary... So it's finally been revealed... You be the judge..

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