Done with lil Caro's mix. Phew! That is a WRAP. ;)

To the right is the crew doing the infamous jazz hands! ^^

I would have liked to spend more time on it for mastering and other various polishing, cuz as it stands now I'd be hard-pressed to say that it gets my seal of approval... But alas I don't think I have the luxury. :( I can't wait till I get to see the dance with the final sound effects, tho. You guys enjoy your thanxgiving and come back to kick ass, 'k?

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haha o oppa.. u perfectionist u~
u underestimate how good u are =P
i luv ya and appreciate this so much!! thanks for everything! =D (559)

caro =P - 12/1/2002 4:53:00 PM [ ]

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