I was just thinking about where and when I get inspirations to write music, and this is what I was able to come up with. See if you can sympathize.

When I'm "down and out" and perhaps unsure of things, I don't enjoy listening to music. In my life, the act of listening to music usually means I'd like to heighten the experience. If I'm listening to music while driving a car I want to heighten the experience that is driving. If I'm listening to music while vacuuming the floor I want to heighten the experience that is vacuuming the floor. You can basically think of it like being a character in a movie. (Maybe I'm just a big wannabe who wants to feel like a movie star, but that's beside the point) A scene may have a sound track associated with it and that sound track is there to heighten the effect of the scene. That's basically what music listening does to me. (Yes, when I'm listening to the lyrics, I do search for the author's intent, but most of the time I only listen to the lyrics when somebody tells me to or it's by a group famous for their lyrcs.) That means that if I were to listen to music when I'm down out it will only heighten the experience of being down and out. So what I do when I'm down and out is, surprise surprise, create music. :) I think, to me, the act of creating music is to try to come to grips with emotion and to fully digest it so that my soul can grow just that much more. Music then becomes simply a reflection of my life and my emotions. It's actually very much like writing a diary, really. Does anyone else feel this way?

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